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Yoshinori Marunaka

NameYoshinori Marunaka

Technical post

Address67 Kitatsuboi-cho, Nishinokyo, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto 604-8472,   Japan



1979          M.D.    Medicine          Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine
  1985      Ph.D.    Physiology    Kyoto   Prefectural University of Medicine

Professi2018 -   present        The Representative Director,
     Kyoto Industrial Health Association
  2018 - present        The Vice President,
  Kyoto Industrial Health Association
  2018 - present        The Director,
  Clinic, Kyoto Industrial Health Association
  2018 – present      The Director,
  Research Institute for Clinical Physiology,
  Kyoto Industrial Health Association
  2018 – present     Professor,
  Research Center for Drug Discovery and Pharmaceutical Development Science,
  Research Organization of Science and Technology, Ritsumeikan University
  2016 - present        The President,  
  The Physiological Society of Japan
  2015 - 2017    Director
     Center for Information and Multimedia Studies
     Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine
  2013 - 2018    Professor and Chairman
     Department of Bio-Ionomics
     Graduate School of Medical Science
     Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine
  2013 - present    Adjunct Professor
     Department of Respiratory Medicine
     Fudan University
     Shanghai Respiratory Research Institute
  2011 - present    Professor and Director
     Japan Institute for Food Education and Health
     St. Agnes’ University
  2007 - 2017    Director
     Center for Medical Education and Research
  Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine
  2003 - 2018    Professor and Chairman
     Department of Molecular Cell Physiology
     Graduate School of Medical Science
     Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine
  2003 - 2010    Professor and Chairman
     Department of Respiratory Medicine
     Graduate School of Medical Science
     Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine
  2003 - 2007    Professor and Chairman
     Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics
     Research Institute for Neurological Diseases & Geriatrics
     Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine
  2000 - 2003    Professor and Chairman
     Department of Cellular and Molecular Physiology
     School of Medicine
     Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine

1992 - 2000      Associate Professor
     Institute of Medical Science
     The University of Toronto
  1992 - 2000    Associate Professor
     Division of Respiratory Medicine
     Department of Pediatrics
     The University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine
  1991 - 1992    Assistant Professor
     Division of Respiratory Research
     (Lung Biology Programme)
     Research Institute
     The Hospital for Sick Children
     The University of Toronto
  1988 - 1990    Assistant Professor of Physiology
     Emory University School of Medicine
  1986 – 1988    Associate
     Department of Physiology
     Emory University School of Medicine
  1986 - 1986    Research Associate
     Department of Physiology and Biophysics
     University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston
  1985 - 1986    Instructor
     Department of Physiology
     Shiga University of Medical Scienceonal Experience

Scientific Research Field

1. Food   nutrition and health evaluation
  2. Ion epithelial transmission control mechanism caused by hormone and   osmotic pressure
  3. Cancer cell growth control mechanism
  4. Neural regeneration mechanism
  5. Biological activity of chloride ions

Social academic post and honor

The Premier's   Research Excellence Award (1999)
     The Government of Ontario
   Marco Polo della Scienza Italiana    (2013)

     Italian Government

Teaching Courses

Medical   Physiology
  Membrane Transport

Published   papers

Has published   more than two hundred papers. The representative researches can be listed as   follows:
  1. Puppulin P, Hosogi S, Sun H, Matsuo K, Inui T, Kumamoto Y, Suzaki T,   Tanaka H, MARUNAKA Y
  Bioconjugation strategy for cell surface labelling with gold nanostructures   designed for highly localized pH measurement
  Nature Communications 9(1) 5278, 2018
  2. MARUNAKA Y, Niisato N, Taruno A, Ohta M, Miyazaki M, Hosogi S, Nakajima K,   Kusuzaki K, Ashihara E, Nishio K, Iwasaki Y, Nakahari T, Kubota T.
  Regulation of epithelial sodium transport via epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC)
  J Biomed Biotechnol 2011:978196, 2011
  3. MARUNAKA Y, Yoshimoto K, Aoi W, Hosogi S, Ikegaya H
  Low pH of interstitial fluid around hippocampus of the brain in diabetic   OLETF rats
  Molecular and Cellular Therapies 2:6, 2014
  Roles of ionic environments in growth of human cancer cell and potentials of   ion transporter blockers in cancer therapies
  J Gastrointestinal and Digestive System 3:163, 2014
  Importance of expression and function of angiotensin II receptor type 1 in   pulmonary epithelial cells

  Respiratory Physiol Neurobiol 196:39-42, 2014
  Characteristics and pharmacological regulation of epithelial Na+ channel   (ENaC) and epithelial Na+ transport
  J Pharmacol Sci 126:21-36, 2014
  Roles of interstitial fluid pH in diabetes mellitus: Glycolysis and   mitochondrial function
  World J Diabetes 6:125-135, 2015
  8. MARUNAKA Y, Niisato N, Miyazaki H, Nakajima K, Taruno A, Sun H, Marunaka   R, Okui M, Yamamoto T, Kanamura N, Kogiso H, Ikeuchi Y, Kashio M, Hosogi S,   Nakahari T
  Quercetin is a useful medicinal compound showing various actions including   control of blood pressure, neurite elongation and epithelial ion transport
  Current Med Chem 23:1-12, 2016
  9. MARUNAKA Y, Marunaka R, Sun H, Yamamoto T, Kanamura N, Taruno A
  Na+ homeostasis by epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC) and Nax channel (Nax):   cooperation of ENaC and Nax
  Annals of Translational Medicine 4 (Suppl 1):S11, 2016.
  10. MARUNAKA Y, Marunaka R, Sun H, Yamamoto T, Kanamura N, Inui T, Taruno A.
  Actions of quercetin, a polyphenol, on blood pressure.
  Molecules 22(2). pii: E209, 2017.
  Actions of quercetin, a flavonoid, on ion transporters: its physiological   roles
  Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1398(1):142-151, 2017
  The mechanistic links between insulin and cystic fibrosis transmembrane   conductance regulator (CFTR) Cl- channel
  Int J Mol Sci 18(8): pii: E1767, 2017
  The proposal of molecular mechanisms of weak organic acids intake-induced   improvement of insulin resistance in diabetes mellitus via elevation of   interstitial fluid pH
  Int J Mol Sci 19(10):3244, 2018

Main Scientific Research Projects

Four-University   Collaborative Research Grant
  Development of new system for drug delivery specific to cancer cells (2012 -   2013)

  Japan Society of The Promotion of Science
  Clarification of tumor metastatic mechanism caused by disturbance of WNK   kinase-dependent Cl- transporter (2013-2016)
  Japan Society of The Promotion of Science
  Continuous pH measurement of interstitial fluid and clarification of   pathogenic mechanism of insulin resistance by ISFET pH sensor (2013-2015)
  KIT-KPUM-KPU-KPhU Collaborative Research Grant
  Molecular cell mechanisms of interstitial pH-mediated appearance of insulin   resistance in diabetes mellitus (2013 - 2014)

  Yamada Research Grant
  The prevention of Alzheimer’s disease and its complications through the   improvement of interstitial pH by propolis intake (2013 - 2014)
  Japan Society of The Promotion of Science
  New targeting mechanisms of plasma proteins to proteasome (2015-2018)
  Japan Society of The Promotion of Science
  Development of non-invasive methods measuring interstitial fluid pH and HCO3-   concentration by MRI and Raman (2015-2017)
  Kyoto-Funding for Innovation in Health-related R&D Fields
  Development of apparatus measuring interstitial fluid pH as a biomarker for   early diagnosis of type 2 diabetes and Alzheimer's dementia (2015-2016)
  KIT-KPUM-KPU-KPhU Collaborative Research Grant
  Roles of interstitial fluid pH in development for type 2 diabetes and the   Alzheimer's dementia and molecular mechanisms of regulation of interstitial   fluid (2015 - 2016)

  Japan Society of The Promotion of Science
  Prevention of diabetes mellitus and Alzheimer dementia via improvement of low   interstitial fluid pH by food constituent (2018-2021)


Medical light   irradiation device  JP 5702529 B2  2015.4.15

Scientific Research Achievements and Awards

Research   Fellowship Abroad (1986 - 1988)
     Ministry of Education, Science and Culture of Japan
  Research Award (1989)
     The National Kidney Foundation of U.S.A.
  Scholarship (1991 - 1996)
     Medical Research Council of Canada
  Research Scholarship (1991 - 1996)
     Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario

Number of   postgraduates under supervision


Number of   supervised masters and Ph.D.


Number of   supervised undergraduates


The above   information updated


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