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Hesham R. El-Seedi

NameHesham R. El-Seedi

Technical postProfessor

AddressPharmacognosy Group, Dept. of Medicinal Chemistry, Uppsala   Biomedical Center,Uppsala University, Sweden.



1994: Ph.D. –   Natural Products Chemistry, Channel program with Kemisk Institute, Aarhus   University, Denmark / Menoufia University.
  1989: M.Sc.- Organic Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Menoufia University,   Egypt.
  1986: B.Sc. - Chemistry (Excellent with Hon’s) Faculty of Science, Menoufia   University, Egypt.

Professional   Experience

2007- till   now. Professor of Natural Products Chemistry, working in Department of   Pharmacognosy, Uppsala Biomedical Center, Faculty of Pharmacy, Uppsala   University, Sweden (mainly since 1995).
  2003-2006. Assistant Professor, working between Lab. of Pharmacognosy and   Phytochemistry, Dept. of Pharmacy, Geneva University, Switzerland.
  2001-2003. Fellow of the prestigious Japanese Society of Promotion of Science   (JSPS) as Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of   Science and Technology, Keio University, Japan.
  Established important & unique contact with Bedouins in South and North   Sinai for herbal medicine (information of medical uses, locations and   collection) since 1998 till now.

Scientific Research Field

Professor   Hesham R. El-Seedi working in the area of synthesis, isolation and structure   elucidation of biologically active natural products from medicinal plants,   marine and bee products. Recently, we started also a project on nanoparticles   synthesis.

Social academic post and honor

Member of “The   Chemical Society of Japan”, Japan.
  Member of “Swedish Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences”, Sweden.
  Member of “Phytochemical Society of Europe (PSE)”, The Netherlands.
  Member of Alumina Japanese Society of Promotion of Science JSPS.

Teaching Courses

Organic   Chemistry: (Principles of Organic Chemistry, Organic Synthesis, Natural   Products, Chromatography, Spectroscopy, and Special Topics); Biochemistry:   (Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Enzymes, Hormones).

Published   papers

Professor   Hesham R. El-Seedi has published more than 100 peer-reviewed international   research articles and scientific papers, reviews, chapters in Peer-Reviewed   International Journals among them: The Lancet (Current IF around 47), as well   as Scientific Reports (Nature Group), Journal of Natural Products (single   author and also within team work), European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry,   Current Organic Synthesis, Phytochemistry, Tetrahedron, Tetrahedron Letters,   PLOS ONE, Current Pharmaceutical Drugs, Current Medicinal Chemistry,   Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Journal of Agriculture and Food   Chemistry, Food Chemistry, ChemBioChem (including Cover Picture), ….etc in   the American Chemical Society (ACS), Elsevier Science, Wiley, and Springer   journals and he is functioning as a referee and co-editor for most of them.

Main Scientific Research Projects

2018, Grant   award from Japan Society for Promotion of Science (JSPS) for 45 days to be in   Japan for lectures, joined supervision and publications.
  2018, Grant from Uppsala University, Sweden for co-operation with China for 3   weeks.
  2016, Swedish Research Links grants for the 2017-2019 years, [2016-05908]   with Dr. Ulf Göransson, Uppsala University, Sweden. Isolation, structure   elucidation and synthesis of cytotoxic compound(s) from bee venom as   anticancer lead in hepatocellular carcinoma model
  2016, Swedish Research Links grants for the 2017-2019 years [2016-05885] with   Dr. Sabrina Büttner, Stockholm University Bee products to counteract age-associated   cellular decay,


Scientific Research Achievements and Awards

2018-2019   Appreciation Certificate from Keio University, Japan about lectures   contribution at University of Tokyo, Keio, Chiba, Waseda and Tuskuba   Universities.
  2018 Shield of Appreciation in recognition of outstanding seminar, April,   Taibah University, Saudi Arabian.
  2017 Price for the best presentation and paper from Association of Arab   Researchers in Bees (AARB) during the International Conference of ABU and   APIMED, Dec. 2017, Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt.
  2017, Appointment as Adjunct Faculty Professor at the International Center   for Chemical and Biological Sciences (ICCBS), Karachi, Pakistan.
  2015, AWARD from STEFELSEN Foundation/Pharmacognosy: For many years of   Scientific Contributions to Pharmacognosy Research and thereby increasing the   knowledge about bioactive Natural Products and building contributions with   Developing Countries. Nordic Natural Products Conference, Visby 2015.
  2016, AWARD certificate and medal from University of Malakand, 27th National   and 15th International Chemistry Conference, 2016, Pakistan.
  2015, Certificate of Appreciation for Invited Oral Presentation in the Annual   Colloquium on Drug Development from Natural Products, Center for Natural   Product Research and Drug Discovery, UM, Malaysia.
  2014, Certificate of Appreciation for Invited Oral Presentation in the Annual   Colloquium on Drug Development from Natural Products, Department of Pharmacy,   Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya, Malaysia.
  2014 Distinctive representation Internationally from Menoufia University VC.

Number of   postgraduates under supervision

Number of   supervised masters and Ph.D.

Number of   supervised undergraduates

The above   information updated


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